Tag: drowning

What parents need to know about infant swimming

What parents need to know about infant swimming

| June 24, 2014 | 0 Comments

When is the right time to teach kids to learn to swim? This question has vexed parents, swimming advocates and doctors for years. And it’s more than just academic: Drowning is one of the leading causes of death for children under age 4. Everyone agrees, one of the best protections against their drowning is learning […]

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Secondary drowning: essential facts

Secondary drowning: essential facts

| June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

In early June, Lindsay Kujawa went through every parent’s worst nightmare. With her back turned for just a second, her nearly 2-year-old son, Ronin, fell into a nearby spa, she wrote in her blog. Fortunately, she was close enough to quickly pluck him from danger. But the nightmare wasn’t over. Later that evening, she noticed […]

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4 common hot tub safety risks

4 common hot tub safety risks

| June 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

The tragic death of four-year-old Cameron Nunez — who drowned after his arm became entrapped in his grandparents’ hot tub — is a good time to stop and think about spa safety. While much attention is focused on swimming pools when it comes to water safety, hot tubs, or spas, can be just as dangerous. […]

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Nonswimmers becoming health crisis in U.S. and U.K.

Nonswimmers becoming health crisis in U.S. and U.K.

| May 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

The news out of Britain is ominous for an island nation: More than 50 percent of children age 7 to 11 can’t swim 25 meters, according to a new study. This in a country where swimming is actually a required skill for graduation! In America, lack of swimming skills is becoming a serious problem as […]

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Want to reduce high minority drowning rates? Ensure pool access

Want to reduce high minority drowning rates? Ensure pool access

| May 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

Anyone who thinks prejudice isn’t a serious issue in the United States should read a recent news story from Minneapolis. The story details one African American woman’s efforts to get a swimming pool built in her neighborhood. Tragically, the day after the pool was finally approved, a young black man drowned nearby. Sad as that […]

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Drowning sim means you’ll never go near the water without a life jacket again

Drowning sim means you’ll never go near the water without a life jacket again

| May 1, 2014 | 0 Comments

You’ve heard of flight simulators and combat simulators, but now a drowning simulator is afloat online. Sortie En Mer-A Trip Out To Sea takes you to the sea, tips you over, and then leaves you with the task to struggle and stay afloat, even though no matter what, you’ll drown sooner or later. The simulator designed […]

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Fear of the water is more common — and more deadly — than you think

Fear of the water is more common — and more deadly — than you think

| March 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Carmen Electra. Richard Branson. Sandra Bullock. Snoop Dog. Eva Mendes. What do all these celebrities have in common? They’re adults who can’t swim — a life-threatening problem that’s about more than just being unable to compete in the Olympics. Chances are, these celebrities, and adults like them who can’t swim, are afraid of the water. […]

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How to bring cold water drowning victims back to life

How to bring cold water drowning victims back to life

| March 5, 2014 | 1 Comment

With winter stubbornly hanging on throughout much of the country, there’s a small bit of comfort to be had in the midst of the cold — at least on the drowning rescue front. New research shows that cold water drowning victims can be brought back to life as long as two hours after they drown […]

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OSHA needs to update underwater construction protections

OSHA needs to update underwater construction protections

| February 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Sometimes it takes a tragedy to shine a light on a serious injustice that needs to be righted. In the case of inadequate underwater construction oversite, it’s taken two. The Occupational Health & Safety Administration has cited Lucas Marine Acquisition Co. LLC, (which touts itself as “Experts in Marine Construction Solutions”) with 22 violations following […]

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Hawaii has killer waves (and not in a good way)

Hawaii has killer waves (and not in a good way)

| February 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

Drowning is probably the last thing on your mind when you think about Hawaii, the tropical paradise that attracts over 8 million visitors each year. But according to these statistics, it should be among your top concerns, especially if you’re swimming off the main island. The island of Kauai witnesses the highest drowning rate among […]

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