Gary Thill

Gary Thill is the former editor of Aquatics International, an award-winning magazine for the commercial pool and waterpark markets. He is a nationally recognized writer and editor with an extensive communications background that includes print, online and social media.

Gary Thill's Latest Posts

Could waves from swimming power your pool?

Could waves from swimming power your pool?

| February 4, 2014 | 0 Comments

If you’ve ever swum a lap, you know how much work it takes to move your body through the water. Thank the laws of fluid dynamics for that. But those same dynamics also make swimming a great exercise. Among the many benefits of swimming is the fact that it is one of the few exercises […]

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Knowing this gross truth about swimming could save you from illness

Knowing this gross truth about swimming could save you from illness

| February 3, 2014 | 0 Comments

In early January, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a little-noted report on recreational water illness outbreaks that every swimmer should know about. Recreational water illness happens when a swimmer ingests a pathogen from the water and becomes ill. Often, a few swimmers become sickened by the same pathogen. When that happens, the CDC […]

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Knowing these 4 pool heater dangers could save your life

Knowing these 4 pool heater dangers could save your life

| January 29, 2014 | 2 Comments

A dozen different businesses are embroiled in a lawsuit over a pool heater explosion that injured two people. The courts will ultimately decide who’s at fault in this dispute, but it points out a hidden pool danger many swimmers don’t know about until it’s too late. An estimated 900,000 pools in the U.S. are heated […]

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3 ways pool owners can combat drought – and save green

3 ways pool owners can combat drought – and save green

| January 28, 2014 | 0 Comments

Governor Jerry Brown recently called California’s drought an “unprecedented serious situation,” which in politicalspeak is like screaming fire in crowded theater. Forbes took the alarm bell and ran with it, posting a provocative editorial headlined “To End California Drought, Fill More Hollywood And Silicon Valley Swimming Pools.” As climate change takes deeper hold, drought has become […]

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Pool entrapment: understanding and preventing the danger

Pool entrapment: understanding and preventing the danger

| January 27, 2014 | 0 Comments

A child in the Philippines barely escaped with his life recently when he became entrapped in the drain pipe of a local swimming pool. What does this news from halfway around the world have to do with you and swimming pool safety? Plenty. Entrapment is one of the hidden dangers of swimming pools many people […]

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Crocodile in the pool? Here’s what to do

Crocodile in the pool? Here’s what to do

| January 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

“I don’t mean to alarm you, but I think there’s a crocodile in the pool.” That was the oh-so-proper response of an Aussie swimmer who found not one, but nine baby crocodiles in a public swimming pool recently. His demeanor notwithstanding, finding a crocodile in your pool is ample reason to hit the panic button. […]

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Top 4 myths about drowning

Top 4 myths about drowning

| January 21, 2014 | 2 Comments

Blame it on Baywatch. For years, we’ve been led to believe that drowning people scream, splash, thrash and all but sound a panic alarm before they go under. As with most things produced in Hollywood, this version of drowning is not based in reality. Believe it or not, it took Frank Pia and some pioneering […]

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High-tech iSwimband no substitute for pool supervision

High-tech iSwimband no substitute for pool supervision

| January 20, 2014 | 9 Comments

A new high-tech water safety detector entered the market this week, even making a splash at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (skip to about the 40-minute mark to see the interview). The iSwimband is a headband and wristband that alerts parents or guardians if kids fall in the water or are submerged for […]

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